instantiation - definição. O que é instantiation. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é instantiation - definição

Instance; Instances; Instantiate; Instanced; Instanciation; Instantiated; Instantiation (disambiguation); Instance (disambiguation); Instantiations

<programming> Producing a more defined version of some object by replacing variables with values (or other variables). 1. In object-oriented programming, producing a particular object from its class template. This involves allocation of a structure with the types specified by the template, and initialisation of instance variables with either default values or those provided by the class's constructor function. 2. In unification, (as used in logic programming, {type checking} and type inference), binding a logic variable (type variable) to some value (type). (1995-03-28)
¦ verb represent as or by an instance.
?(be instantiated) Philosophy (of a universal or abstract concept) be represented by an actual example.
instantiation noun
1940s: from L. instantia (see instance) + -ate3.



Instantiation or instance may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para instantiation
1. the specific instantiation is, they're
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2. to a third kind of mental instantiation
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3. and what will be the new forms of instantiation
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4. How do we actually move from this world, this instantiation
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5. I've frozen every instantiation of the data at
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Exemplos do corpo de texto para instantiation
1. It‘s days before he‘s allowed to cross the East River to see for himself. ‘It was chaos, a gigantic instantiation of necessity and accident.‘ It had cracked apart the expected frame of media representation.